Of Indian IT industry are on a roll currently. This story compares their journey till now. It would be very interesting indeed to see who will make that leap into the next league of IBM, Accenture, EDS. And being a part of this competition enthuses me. I can definitely say that Infosys is not leaving any stone unturned and is trying its best. It has got the best senior management of all these companies and also a fantastic work culture. I don't agree with the author of the story when he says Infosys promoises 400 and gives only 100. Rather for such a huge organisation, Infosys is very transparant in all its dealings. That for me is the best thing about the company.
On this day I remember something from the 2004 independence day when I was at bangalore. Our company was not having a flag hoisting ceremony. Because I didn't have anywhere to go for the republic day flag hoisting ceremony (I really like the feel of the moment ) I went to a ceremony organized by the "Maharashtra Mandal" in Bangalore. Some of my college friends were coming there as there was an alumni meet scheduled at the same place later and it was also a good opportunity to meet everyone.
The tricolour was hoisted, a few patriotic songs were sung and a few speeches delivered. It was like any other flag hoisiting ceremony. But there was one speech that etched my heart. It wasn't a speech in the real sense. A guy came forward and wanted to tell everyone what he thought while he was driving down that morning. What he said was something like thisWhen I was coming to the venue today morning, I saw some small kids on the streets waving the small tricolours and smiling. I saw a few more with the riding their bicycles proudly with the flag fluttering on their handles. And I thought to myself, I also did the same when I was a kid. But now I do not buy that small flag and stick it to my car or my bike? Nor do I see many of my generation doing so? Now we don't want to spend even that much of money. Why this change? Do you feel less patriotic for your country when you grow up?
We have a lot more things to worry when we grow up; earn money, pass exams, etc. Hence we utilize whatever day off we get to party hard and sleep long. But we have only 2 days in a year when we celebrate our Independence and our democracy. Can we not atleast make the time to salute the flag (maybe, only in our hearts) ?1View comments
This is a continuation from my previous post where I had written how Indians are not used to saying "Hi" to unknown people and how eventually they get used to it in this country.
But have you ever noticed that Indians who have stayed here for years or settled here behave strangely. They do not greet "desi" people around, but do greet non desis. I always wondered why they behaved like this. After all whats wrong in it. Smiling and greeting people is good.
Well, what happened recently with me might have an answer to this.
Ok..So we (I and my wife) meet this couple in one of the malls here. My wife says "Hi" while passing by and these guys start talking. So after the initial Hi, How r u, Where in India r u from? .. Ok ... yeah I have been to Pune ... nice city and all that stuff....our discussion comes to "What do you do here" mode. My wife says I am looking for Jobs and I tell him about mine. So we also ask them the same question and they just say they do "freelance". Whatever that is supposed to mean. After repeated attempts I was unsuccessful in getting anything out from them about what they do here for a living or even what field they are in. But fine...doesn't matter to me ... as if we were going to meet again!
But ... after a while we exchange phone numbers on their insistance(biggest mistake!!). The guy "Arun" says he would just like to meet us the next time they are around in our area. I didn't really think too much of it as I thought it is a rare possibility.
After a couple of days. this lady calls my wife and leaves a voice message, "Hi, I am Monica. We met the other day in mall. We are coming to your area in the next couple of days. So thought of meeting you guys. So let me know when is it suitable for you and Lets Take it from there". This is where I thought something is really fishy. Because I couldn't decipher what she wants to take it from where !! We decided not to call back. But then the next day a phone rings and the cell phone display shows "Private Number" and we have to answer. Again this lady .... so what happened .. lets meet stuff. We ask her whats she up to and is there something she wants to talk about. But she says she just wants to meet casually to make friends. And asks us the time. I somehow manage to ward off the meeting for a week, kind of hoping that they would get the message that we do not want to meet.
But as shameless as these people are, they kept calling and we kept saying, "No, we are busy". This happened almost 2 months ago. Finally I told this guy, that i am so busy that I can't think of meeting him and just give me a break. he took it literally and asked me when in future i would be free to meet him. I told him not until next year. (This happened in November). Come January and this guy calls again!!!! Bizarre .. He still didn't get the message or didn't want to.
Now again he wants to meet. His wife is again keeping voice messages like "Lets take it from there". And they are always calling from different numbers or "Private numbers".
Now my guess is as good as yours. These are Multu Level Marketing kind of guys. And I have had a tough time evading them. After this incident I have spoken to a lot of desis here and most of them have had such an experience, although not as bad.
I wonder if this is the reason why desis here do not want to say "Hi" to desis. And expectedly even I have become wary of exchanging a smile with someone at public places, especially desis.
Any ideas on how to get rid of these guys?2View comments
I said when I passed by this new face i saw in my office corridor the other day. And I got a faintly surprised look and then a broken greeting "Oh ..... hi ....." and the voice faded away as I continued on my way. I turned around briefly after a few seconds to find the guy lingering around a bit and then proceeding. Not for too long, but this happened in seconds. And I smiled in my mind. Cos I remember myself in the same position exactly an year ago when I first came into this country. We Indians are so not used to this. We don't even look at people passing by . And when you suddenly get a greeting from a completely unknown person, you don't know how to react. And there is so little time to say anything. In those couple of seconds when you pass each other, you have to answer that person and then ask him if he / she is also doing good :) Its difficult if you are not prepared for it and It can be embarrassing at times. I still remember from the starting days, a guy who would always ask, "Hey ... whats up buddy?" and even before I could start answering "whats up" he was gone ... always. I would wonder if he really wanted to know.
With time everyone learns how to handle this in their own way. Some people just smile say "Good, Thanks" and move on. Some ask back "How are you doing?" or "Fine, Thanks, Yourself?". And it just becomes a habbit. So you greet anyone who makes eye contact with a smile and a greeting like "Hi How are you doing?".
So Hey! If you are just passing by my blog, "How are you doing?" :)1View comments
Scott Styris is avoiding it for more success in his batting. Does it really matter anyways? No, not Styris' batting, but footwork in modern day cricket. Styris decided to cut down on his footwork to allow him to be more balanced when striking the ball and it gave him instant success.
But for how long Scott?
Well, having good balance while hitting the ball is obviously good, no one will disagree, but isn't that what footwork is meant to provide? Balance while playing your shots? I mean footwork is not just about reaching to the pitch of the ball, otherwise no one would have played on the back foot. I think good footwork itself enables one to have a greater balance while playing shots.
Some might disagree sighting the most recent example of Sehwag. Now I am not going to say that Sehwag achieves that balance because of his good footwork, but he does it inspite of it only because he has exemplary hand-eye coordination. Ganguly had a divine touch in his early days owing to this very attribute.
Someone like Sehwag won't need footwork when he is young. But it will start to matter once that hand eye coordination starts to fade with age, like I am afraid has happened with Ganguly. Its more difficult for these type of batsmen to come out of a loss of form, which is inevitable over a period of time.
A Dravid or Tendulkar can work their way into form using their footwork like Sachin did in sydney to come out of a longish loss of form. Sachin could cope with his loss of hand eye coordination with aging only because he has a decent foorwork. Infact he is still coming to terms with it, but he certainly has the technique to cope with it.
I fear when ever Sehwag loses this touch with age, his career is going to go only downwards from that point on, much like Ganguly's. Sehwag still has a better all round batting capabilities, so probably he would have achieved more than what Ganguly has (atleast in Test Cricket), but it is improbable that he reaches the tier of a Tendulkar or Dravid.
Contrary to what Styris feels, most successful batsmen in world cricket have had decent footwork. If you look at the top three or four batsmen in this era - Sachin, Lara, Ponting and Dravid no one will disagree that they have good footwork and they do achieve good balance with it.
Gavaskar and Boycott will definitely agree :)2View comments
The wait is over.
Although not a google enhancement, this third party software does a good job. The video quality is as good or bad as yahoo, but the feature of screen sharing is its real highlight. Coupled with the voice quality of skype/gtalk, this could come in real handy for presenting data or pictures to a group of people at once. Nice!0Add a comment
Google has done it again. They are raising the bar consistently. They are now distributing a lot of free software in this pack. You can access it right from the google home page. The pack includes Norton Antivirus with 6-month subscription to protection updates and an Antispyware utility (a must for regular surfers) apart from all the usual google softwares (picasa, desktop search, google earth, etc). Go get it!1
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Because I am impressed with this medium to express yourself. It's a great way to share your thoughts about anything, absolutely anything. Well, thats the main reason. I always knew it, but somehow couldn't kickstart the blog.
In the past few months I have been a regular reader of many blogs . There were so many instances in the past when I really wanted to start blogging; once when a good friend Gaurav took on a bogus B-school and bloggers all around the world came to his support, once when Sourav Ganguly decided to share dressing room conversations with the media, once when I saw snowfall for the first time. All these times I readily had somehting to write. But somehow I felt I should start when I didn't have a particular topic. This blog will not be about a particular topic. I wish to write about everything from politics to science and sports to economics and in the process hope to gain a lot more knowledge and have lot more fun.
I am really not sure how much far I will be able to take this, but I am going to try. No, this is not my new years resolution, that status goes to "Losing Weight" :-P. The distance is nothing; it is only the first step that costs.6View comments
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